Women in Computer Science

Computer Science as a Career

Computer Science is one of the most popular career fields around the world. Its evolution can be traced back to 1706 when Gottfried Leibniz laid the groundwork of binary number system. However, it was not until World War II that the computing technology, used by Alan Turing to decrypt the unbreakable Nazi communication code, grabbed the world's attention. Just after nine years, the famous Turing Test was designed to test if machine could think like human, which opened the doors to artificial intelligence. In 1989, the emergence of World Wide Web, or the Internet as we call it, has further revolutionized the lives of most humans on this planet. 

In simple words, Computer Science is studying a system of computations that deals with software and software systems. If you want to make it even simpler, it is a field which uses computers to solve problems. In fact, there are many well-known scientists who believe that it is futile to define CS because we continue to find new methods of doing things every day; therefore, CS should be seen as a continuous evolution and discovery of fresh computer models that are new to human kind. 

For instance, no one was sure of what to make of the World Wide Web when it was first introduced in its simplest form. It was only the gradual evolution of ideas that created the Internet, as we know it today. Similarly, there was little or no public information about any form of artificial intelligence when Alan Turing started using the decoding technology to break the Nazi code. Year later, formulation of new ideas made the scientist to program the computers to think like humans, which resulted in the introduction of artificial intelligence.

Career Choices

One of the most interesting aspects of this subject is the availability of a large number of disciplines that students can select. For instance, students can become experts in artificial intelligence, where they can develop autonomous intelligence, allowing the machines to work independently. In the last decade, an advanced version of AI, machine learning, has also grabbed the attention of the scientists, worldwide. The machine learning software works just like a human as it has the built-in capability to learn from the past patterns, which allows the software to become more intelligent over time. Another equally interesting field is computer communication and safety, which includes subjects of computer security and cryptography.

It is sometimes difficult to justify the classification of the subject into different areas because scientists agree that CS is just the implementation of ideas, which do not necessarily fall into any one specific category. Still, various schools provide specialized degrees enabling students to select a career path. For the purpose of classification, students can specialize in theory, computing hardware, networking, graphics, programming languages, software engineering, computing systems, and artificial intelligence, among others. All of these different areas will lead to specific fields of expertise. 

Accordingly, graduates usually work as an application developer, data analyst, games developer, information systems manager, IT consultant, software engineer, and machine learning engineer. The Internet also offers a lot of choices for students that include such job options as SEO specialist, Web designer, Web developer, PPC specialist, Web content manager, and social media manager. Nowadays, CS students are also involved in creating software that is used in mobile devices and different websites. 

Just as in the other scientific fields, graduates gain experience by working in the industry for one or two years. There are also many opportunities for internships and volunteer work that can help new entrants gain practical expertise. In fact, companies such as NCWIT are providing useful career services for new graduates, helping graduates gain a foothold in the industry. Computer Science Online Organization also lists many resources for women interested in education, career options, or scholarships for computer science programs. Many new computer scientists use these experiences to build a strong work portfolio enabling them to land lucrative jobs within two or three years. As most STEM businesses rely on IT workers, these new graduates can also find jobs in a variety of industries including IT consultancy firms, IT service providers, aerospace, banks, healthcare, telecommunications, and public sector. 

Participation of Women

Many female graduates are very keen to become computer scientists because they are usually good communicators and prefer teamwork. Regarding female workers, good communication and teamwork are the qualities that STEM firms require from CS graduates because these firms prefer individuals who can solve problems in groups. Since females are also good problem solvers, the field usually suites them well. 

Despite such iconic names as Grace Hopper, Anita Borg, and Jean Bartik, it is unfortunate that ladies have only begun to enter this field in the last one or two decades. The disparity is evident from the fact that boys outnumber girls 4 to 1 in placement tests of AP computer-science, in the United States. In a country, which considers itself the pioneer of the field, there are some U.S. states where not a single woman took part in the AP computer-science examinations in recent years. Interestingly, the participation of females was better in the mid-80s when they accounted for 37% of the undergraduate students in the field. Unfortunately, the participation dropped after 1980s to an extent where it made only 17.6% of the undergraduate students. This pattern is also visible in the job sector, which saw a steady decline of female computer scientists from 35% to 25% in the last fifteen years. 

Experts studying the declining participation of females in the field attribute this disparity to the introduction of personal computers at home. The early computers were tailored towards gaming, which was deemed attractive only for males. The trend continued for many years as new companies targeted males for the sale of personal computers. It meant that personal computers were mostly seen as gadgets that were exclusive to males. Cartoons and TV programs also focused on the term “nerdy programmer”, which was always depicted as a male character, leaving women out of the equation. However, trends are changing as more and more ladies are attracted to the lifestyle that computer scientists enjoy. 

What does the Future Hold? 

As ladies account for 85% of all buying decision in consumer purchases, this career is seen as a perfect fit allowing them to make decisions on their own. The work-life balance also suits the modern computer scientist as many companies allow computer scientists to work from home or complete tasks using video conferencing. To empower female workforce, all of the well-known IT companies such as Google, Facebook, and Apple offer lucrative maternity leaves and health benefits. 

To encourage student learning from home, prestigious institutions such as Stanford University, MIT, and Google are offering Massive Open Online Courses to anyone interested in making Computer Science as their main career choice. Due to these advantages, the job is regularly characterized as among the best in the world in terms of lifestyle and job satisfaction. Perhaps, it’s time for women to take advantage of the changing trends and enroll in a subject that was destined for their participation.
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